Nature Health and Healing

Nature Health

Nature Health and Healing.

Did you know that when Christopher Columbus sailed around on his voyage of discovery, he always had plenty of  baskets full of oranges and lemons on board?  This was to prevent an outbreak of  scurvy.   The Vitamin C in these citrus fruits was recognized many years ago as a proven cure for scurvy.

Thousands of years ago, ancient Eastern medicine discovered the health benefits contained in spices like Ginger, Garlic, Cinnamon, Cardamom & Cloves among others. Nature offers us an array of these “wonder foods”.  Extracts from naturally grown plants contain valuable healing properties.

Sunshine is as a rich source of Vitamin D – sometimes called the  Happy vitamin.   The curative properties of Vitamin D for Rickets, soft bones and flabby muscles has been well documented over the ages.

Hearty laughter, regular walks and exercise release endorphins in the brain which strengthen our immune system and enhance our sense of well-being.  They help the body heal itself.

Nature Health Healing

Do  Natural remedies really work?  Indeed they do.

3 of the key advantages that  Natural products  have over  manufactured drugs and medicines are:

  1. They are effective.  They have been proven to work
  2. They are safer.  Prescribed drugs often have harmful side effects
  3. They are cheaper.  In fact, some could be be home-grown remedies.

As we explore the role that Nature plays in Healing and Life, we
discover the many treasures that Nature offers us.  A wide array of herbs and plant extracts have healing and medicinal properties.    Their healing properties range from improved blood circulation, regulation of blood sugar, improved memory,  better metabolism and lower cholesterol to name a few.

Nature offers us a bountiful supply of these natural treasures.

At Nature Health and Healing, we will try to discover the bountiful blessings of Nature.

Learn how you can use Nature to improve your Health and well-being.

Healing is a natural process and Nature can make us whole again.


3 thoughts on “Nature Health and Healing”

  1. This site looks very interesting!

  2. Hi,

    The site looks very good.

    While the links to the posts are visible on the right hand side on my computer, it would be nice if all the posts do not appear on one page as this may slow down the pages while loading.

    1. George,

      Thanks for your feedback and constructive comments. I will review the one post per page option.

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